Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Watch this Awesome Video!

We want to thank all of you for your support and prayers for the recent trip that four of our guys from Northwest Community Church just took to Papau New Guinea.  Because of this trip, our team was able to finish building a missionary house in the jungle. Here is a great video that shows some of the work they were able to accomplish while they were there.  BJ and Jill and their three kids and two other couples and their children just arrived at their new tribal house this past weekend. They know A LOT of work lies ahead of them, but they are excited to finally start working with the tribe that they have prayed about for some many years.  Please join with us in praying that they will be able to accomplish this God-sized task!

This past week when we met for student ministry, we had several new youth attend.  That night, as we were talking over the day, we began naming all of the students that have come through our doors these past few months.  We named 20 students.  We are praying that God shows us how we can best reach out to these 20 students.  We know that these 20 students are not here by accident, and we are honored that we get to play a part in their lives.  Please pray that God gives us wisdom as we minister to them and that He shows us how we can best help them see their need for Christ.

"So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us.  We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.  That's why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ's mighty power that works within me." 
Colossians 1:28-29